domenica 12 agosto 2018

Lista Trofei: Catch & Release

Simulatore di pesca per (PS)VR, un nuovo interessante Platino. Ecco i dettagli:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • The real Fisherman - Catch them all

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. ...dary - Complete the main questline
  2. Paparazzi - Take all pictures
  3. Free billy - Release a boot back to the wilderness
  4. Legen- wait for it... - Catch the legendary Slackjaw

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. Rude 66 - Drink 66 beers
  2. Flush - Sell five fish of a kind
  3. Royal Flush - Sell five fish of a kind bigger than 100cm
  4. Straight Flush - Sell five fish of a kind smaller than 40cm
  5. Four of a Kind - Sell four fish of a kind
  6. Genocide - Catch 500 kg of fish
  7. Don't get cocky now - skip a pebble 10 times
  8. Full House - Sell 3 fish of one kind and 2 of another
  9. Never skip Leg-Day! - Row 10km
  10. Marco... - Explore the whole lake
  11. Straight - Sell five different kinds of fish
  12. The reel thing - Cast reel at least 35m
  13. Every-fin - Catch 100 fish

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Three of a kind - Three fish of the same kind
  2. Two pairs - Sell two fish pairs
  3. Pair - Sell two fish of the same kind
  4. Family Dinner - Catch 50kg of fish
  5. One fin - Catch 1 fish
  6. Premium customer - Buy all baits
  7. Collector's Edition - Catch each fish type once
  8. Some-fin - Catch 50 fish
  9. Sixpack - Drink 6 beers
  10. Royal Banquet - Catch 150 kg of fish
  11. Ooouh... impressive - Skip a pebble 5 times
  12. Wow - Skip a pebble 3 times
  13. Five in a row - Row 5km
  14. CHOP CHOP! - Row 1km
  15. Reel good - Cast reel at least 15m
  16. For reel??? - Cast reel at least 5m
  17. All the single ladies - Catch a diamond ring