venerdì 26 gennaio 2018

Lista Trofei: Crossing Souls

Un gruppo di ragazzi, una misteriosa pietra, un'avventura 2D molto più complessa di quanto può sembrare a prima vista, un Platino nel suo elenco Trofei. Dopo il video, i dettagli:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • You've done your homework - Congrats, you can now go out and play.

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Gamer - Gather all the Cartridges.
  2. A popular dude - Gather all the Profiles.
  3. First-rate detective - Gather all the Classified Documents.
  4. Moviegoer - Gather all the VHSes.
  5. Music lover - Gather all the Cassettes.

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Hunted Chameleon - Find the camouflaged agent, even if it's too late for him.
  2. Roy, I'm already inside - That box looks suspicious.
  3. Inscriptiana Jones - Read all the inscriptions in the cave.
  4. Evil baby - Watch the Devil's Cradle.
  5. Master Splinter - Find Master Splinter.
  6. Last words - Read all the epitaphs.
  7. Poltergeist gone! - Make Mr. Freeman stop the construction on the pool.
  8. An exemplary student - Solve the test questions.
  9. What were you staring at?! - Find all the portraits of the guy who is watching us.

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. For the greater good... - Sacrifice yourself to reach the Final Judgment.
  2. This is a daunting task - Defeat Carl, the evil driver.
  3. Everyone's here - Grab the gang.
  4. It reeks of death here - Snatch the Duat stone from the corpse's hand.
  5. Doc, let's go to 1873! - Find the date in the hidden journal.
  6. A big loss - You have lost a loved one.
  7. Street fury - Defeat the Purple Skulls.
  8. Elliot style - Escape from Bronson's clutches.
  9. Having a closed library is a crime - Defeat the librarian.
  10. Summer begins! - Start the adventure.
  11. Unbounded interrogation - Make the mime talk.
  12. The Sarduccis will be united again - Defeat Vigo Sarducci.
  13. It's hard to say goodbye - Stick with your friend to the end.
  14. Stand by me! - Traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!
  15. The chosen one - Prove yourself worthy before Osis.
  16. Rusty heart - Defeat Heartless.
  17. Go to hell - Defeat Major Oh Rus.
  18. Tell us another story, Grandma - Finish the story.