martedì 19 dicembre 2017

[Lista Trofei] Happy Drummer

Un gioco musicale molto particolare, abbiamo virtualmente nelle nostre mani strumenti musicali tribali... Non c'è il Platino, ma l'Esperienza si prospetta comunque curiosa:

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. Drummer god - Win "Perfect" rank for all music in lunatic mode.

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. Famous drummer - Sign your names on local leaderboards for 30 times.
  2. God's friend - See god for 50 times. Reach 100 combos in night scene to see god.
  3. Volcano master - Make volcano eruption for 50 times. Reach 100 combos in daylight scene to see volcano eruption.

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. Good Drummer - Win "Good" rank in any music.
  2. Elephants are coming! - In night scene, reach 40 combos and see elephants coming out to celebrate in any music.
  3. Dinosaur in daylight - In daylight scene, reach 40 combos and see dinosaurs coming out to celebrate in any music.
  4. Great Drummer - Win "Great" rank in any music.
  5. Perfect Drummer - Win "Perfect" rank in any music.
  6. Night King - Win "Good" rank for all music in night scene, not including self-created ones.
  7. Daylight King - Win "Good" rank for all music in daylight scene, not including self-created ones.
  8. Composer - Create your own drum music, with more than 200 drumbeats.
  9. Performer - Play any of your own music with more than 200 drumbeats, and get "Perfect" rank.