mercoledì 20 dicembre 2017

[Lista Trofei] 36 Fragments of Midnight, versione PS4

Qualche leggera modifica rispetto alla lista PS Vita, dunque è giusto dedicare un post:

Trofeo di Platino:
  • Platinum Midnight - Become a master collector

Trofei d'Oro:
  1. The greatest gift - Get 36 fragments
  2. Only the half left - Get 18 fragments
  3. The fastest one - Get 36 fragments in less than 6 Min
  4. Stuned - Die by a laser
  5. Cutted in half - Die by a saw
  6. Squared unicorn - Die by a spike
  7. At least you tried - Die with only 1 fragments
  8. So close - Die with 35 fragments
  9. That IS bad luck - Die with 36 fragments
  10. Super fast - Get 36 fragments in less than 10 Min
  11. Baby steps - Get 1 fragments