mercoledì 30 agosto 2017

[Lista Trofei] Rabi-Ribi

E' un platform/RPG/shooter molto interessante, davvero, e ha pure il Platino. Scopriamolo:

Trofeo di Platino:

  • Rabi-Ribi! - You must be a bunny lover!

Trofei d'Oro:

  1. It would be easier if you had some help... - Collected all 70 easter eggs!
  2. Gold Bunny Speedrunner - Finished the main game in a super fast time!
  3. So...Erina, do you expect to win with cuteness? - Defeat the post game boss with 0% items! (Except amulet, consumable and Rainbow eggs).
  4. MAX Rank True End! - Defeated all bosses in MAX rank!
  5. So many... So strong... - Finished True Boss Rush Mode.
  6. Were those instant kill? - Finished the whole game without touching a spike.

Trofei d'Argento:

  1. A New Beginning... This time Erina is fully prepared! - Started New Game+, also known as loop two.
  2. Now you've seen everything. - 100% map completion!
  3. Running away from home? - "She found a lot of people, but never came home..."
  4. Massive damage! - Get 10,000 points of score in sandbag mini game.
  5. You just broke the game! - "Sequence Breaking" to the extreme. What's going to happen? Not even the developer knows!
  6. Upgrade even more! - Upgrade 20 items to Lv.3
  7. About eight kilograms. - Obtained every item!
  8. Happy Halloween! - Cleared the Halloween Event! And Erina got a new costume to wear? How about try to view her new outfit?

Trofei di Bronzo:

  1. Welcome back! - Return to Rabi Rabi Town.
  2. We will do it next time! - Returned from that strange place.
  3. Every game need an easter egg - Pick up a strange egg...What is this?
  4. Why are you trying to stop us? - Returned from that strange place for the third time.
  5. Familiar Unfamiliar - Finally returned to where you started.
  6. Escape from more bunny lovers! - Cleared seven UPRPRC Midboss events!
  7. Bunny > Sister. - Miru came back to the town!
  8. Finding Memories - Finish "Finding Memories"
  9. The Cheerful Fairy - Ribbon is now following you!
  10. Why are there so many of them? - Finished Boss Rush Mode.
  11. Strike into the CreSpirit secret base! - Defeat the director of Rabi-Ribi!
  12. Irisu in wonderland - Irisu came back to the town!
  13. Combo Grinder - Reach 999 combo during a boss battle.
  14. MAX Rank Finish! - Defeated a boss in MAX rank!
  15. Don't tell Cocoa! - Holding 99999en!
  16. Fairy Attacks! - Finish "Fairy Attacks!"