Con giochi "Tripla A" o "AAA" che dir si voglia, solitamente si indicano dei giochi importanti sviluppati con un certo budget o comunque giochi dal richiamo mediatico immediato:
GTA, Mass Effect, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted, God of War, The Last of Us, Resistance, Ratchet & Clank, e via discorrendo. Questi sono tutti titoli "Tripla A", e sono tutti titoli che da oggi potremo acquistare in Offerta sul PlayStation Store.
L'iniziativa sarà valida fino al prossimo 22 Giugno 2017 e va ad integrarsi con gli Sconti Digitali di qualche giorno fa. Ecco i dettagli di questa nuova ondata di Saldi, il post potrebbe essere aggiornato nel corso delle prossime ore:
PlayStation 4:
Gioco | Prezzo | Prezzo PS Plus | Sconto |
Battlefield™ 1 | €29.99 | −57% | |
Battlefield™ 1 Deluxe Edition | €34.99 | −61% | |
Battlefield™ 1 Premium Pass - DLC | €39.99 | −20% | |
Battlefield™ 1 Ultimate Edition | €69.99 | −50% | |
Battlezone | €34.99 | −41% | |
Bloodborne™ | €24.99 | €21.49 | −38% |
Bloodborne™: Game of the Year Edition | €29.99 | −33% | |
Bundle Battlefield™ 1 - Titanfall™ 2 Deluxe | €49.99 | −54% | |
Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare | €29.99 | −57% | |
Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe | €59.99 | −45% | |
Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare - Legacy Edition | €49.99 | −44% | |
Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare + Destiny - The Collection | €49.99 | −58% | |
Call of Duty®: IW Legacy + Destiny - The Collection Bundle | €69.99 | −50% | |
Deformers | €19.99 | −50% | |
EA SPORTS™ FIFA 17 Deluxe Edition | €34.99 | −61% | |
EA SPORTS™ FIFA 17 Super Deluxe Edition | €54.99 | −45% | |
EA SPORTS™ NHL™ 17 Deluxe Edition | €24.99 | −72% | |
EA SPORTS™ NHL™ 17 Super Deluxe Edition | €39.99 | −60% | |
FOR HONOR™ DELUXE EDITION | €44.99 | −43% | |
FOR HONOR™ GOLD EDITION | €74.99 | −31% | |
FOR HONOR™ STANDARD EDITION | €39.99 | −42% | |
God of War® III Remastered | €24.99 | €21.49 | −38% |
Grand Theft Auto V | €34.99 | −50% | |
Gravity Rush™ 2 | €39.99 | €33.99 | −43% |
Horizon Zero Dawn™ | €39.99 | −33% | |
Horizon Zero Dawn™ - Edizione digitale deluxe | €49.99 | −28% | |
Mass Effect™: Andromeda | €34.99 | −50% | |
Mass Effect™: Andromeda Edizione Deluxe | €39.99 | −50% | |
NBA 2K17 Kobe Bryant Legend Edition | €39.99 | −55% | |
NBA 2K17 Kobe Bryant Legend Edition Gold | €49.99 | −54% | |
NBA 2K17 | €29.99 | −57% | |
Nioh | €39.99 | −33% | |
Nioh Digital Deluxe Edition | €59.99 | −25% | |
Pacchetto Grand Theft Auto V + carta prepagata Whale Shark | €44.99 | −54% | |
Pacchetto Grand Theft Auto V + prepagata Great White Shark | €39.99 | −50% | |
Pacchetto Grand Theft Auto V + prepagata Megalodon Shark | €49.99 | −59% | |
PlayStation®VR Worlds | €29.99 | −25% | |
Ratchet & Clank™ | €24.99 | €21.49 | −38% |
RIGS Mechanized Combat League | €39.99 | −33% | |
Rise of the Tomb Raider: celebrazione dei 20 anni | €29.99 | €23.99 | −60% |
Robinson: The Journey | €29.99 | −40% | |
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Edizione Definitiva | €9.99 | −75% | |
STEEP | €29.99 | −57% | |
STEEP GOLD EDITION | €39.99 | −55% | |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition | €19.99 | −66% | |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition Premium Bundle | €34.99 | −61% | |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited | €9.99 | −66% | |
The Last Guardian™ | €24.99 | −28% | |
The Last of Us™ Remastered | €24.99 | €20.49 | −54% |
The Last of Us™: Left Behind (Standalone) | €3.99 | −60% | |
Titanfall™ 2 Deluxe Edition | €29.99 | €27.49 | −45% |
Titanfall™ 2 Standard Edition | €24.99 | €22.99 | −42% |
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands - Deluxe Edition | €49.99 | €45.19 | −43% |
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands - Gold Edition | €74.99 | −31% | |
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands - Standard Edition | €44.99 | −35% | |
UNCHARTED™ 4: Fine di un ladro Edizione digitale | €24.99 | −58% | |
Uncharted™: The Nathan Drake Collection | €24.99 | €21.49 | −38% |
Until Dawn™ | €24.99 | €21.49 | −38% |
Watch Dogs® 2 - Deluxe Edition | €34.99 | −56% | |
Watch Dogs®2 | €29.99 | −57% | |
Watch Dogs®2 - Gold Edition | €59.99 | −45% |
PlayStation 3:
Gioco | Prezzo | Sconto |
God of War: Ascension™ | €6.99 | −53% |
God of War: Ascension™ Edizione definitiva | €9.99 | −50% |
God of War® Collection | €11.99 | −40% |
God of War® Collection Volume II | €11.99 | −40% |
God of War® HD | €6.99 | −53% |
God of War® II HD | €6.99 | −53% |
God of War®: Chains of Olympus | €6.99 | −53% |
God of War®: il fantasma di Sparta | €6.99 | −53% |
Jak 3™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Jak II™: Renegade | €5.99 | −40% |
LittleBigPlanet™ 2 | €6.99 | −53% |
LittleBigPlanet™ 2 - Edizione extra | €9.99 | −60% |
LittleBigPlanet™ Karting | €6.99 | −53% |
MotorStorm® 3D Rift | €5.99 | −40% |
MotorStorm® Apocalypse | €6.99 | −53% |
MotorStorm® RC | €2.99 | −50% |
MotorStorm® RC Complete Edition | €3.99 | −55% |
PlayStation® All-Stars Battle Royale | €6.99 | −53% |
Puppeteer™ | €6.99 | −53% |
Ratchet & Clank™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Ratchet & Clank™ : Alla ricerca del tesoro | €4.99 | −50% |
Ratchet & Clank™ 2 | €5.99 | −40% |
Ratchet & Clank™ 2 | €5.99 | −40% |
Ratchet & Clank™ 3 | €5.99 | −40% |
Ratchet & Clank™ 3 | €5.99 | −40% |
Ratchet & Clank™: A spasso nel tempo | €5.99 | −60% |
Ratchet & Clank™: Armi di distruzione | €5.99 | −60% |
Ratchet & Clank™: Nexus (PS3) | €5.99 | −60% |
Ratchet & Clank™: QForce | €5.99 | −60% |
Ratchet & Clank™: Tutti per uno | €5.99 | −60% |
Ratchet™: Gladiator | €5.99 | −60% |
Resistance 2™ | €6.99 | −53% |
Resistance: Fall of Man™ | €4.99 | −66% |
Siren Blood Curse™ | €5.99 | −53% |
Sly 2: La Banda dei Ladri™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Sly 3: L'Onore dei Ladri™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Sly Cooper™: Ladri nel Tempo | €6.99 | −53% |
Sly Raccoon | €5.99 | −40% |
The Jak and Daxter Trilogy | €11.99 | −52% |
The Last of Us™ Game of the Year Edition | €14.99 | −50% |
The Ratchet & Clank™ Trilogy | €11.99 | −52% |
The Sly Trilogy | €11.99 | −52% |
PlayStation Vita:
Gioco | Prezzo | Sconto |
Freedom Wars™ | €9.99 | −60% |
God of War® Collection | €11.99 | −52% |
Jak 3™ | €5.99 | −60% |
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy™ | €5.99 | −60% |
Jak II™: Renegade | €5.99 | −60% |
Killzone™ Mercenary | €7.99 | −60% |
LittleBigPlanet™ PlayStation Vita | €6.99 | −53% |
MotorStorm® RC | €2.99 | −50% |
MotorStorm® RC Complete Edition | €3.99 | −55% |
Murasaki Baby™ | €5.99 | −40% |
PlayStation® All-Stars: Battle Royale (PS Vita) | €6.99 | −53% |
PlayStation®Vita Pets | €9.99 | −60% |
Ratchet & Clank™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Ratchet & Clank™ 2 | €5.99 | −40% |
Ratchet & Clank™ 3 | €5.99 | −40% |
Ratchet & Clank™: QForce | €5.99 | −60% |
Resistance: Burning Skies™ | €7.99 | −46% |
Sly 2: La Banda dei Ladri™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Sly 3: L'Onore dei Ladri™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Sly Cooper: Ladri nel Tempo™ | €6.99 | −53% |
Sly Raccoon™ | €5.99 | −40% |
Soul Sacrifice™ | €7.99 | −60% |
The Ratchet & Clank™ Trilogy | €11.99 | −52% |
The Sly Trilogy | €11.99 | −52% |