domenica 2 aprile 2017

[Lista Trofei] Anoxemia

Un "gioco esplorativo", impreziosito dal Platino. Ecco l'elenco completo:

Trofeo di Platino :
  • Anoxemia - You are the number one!

Trofei d'Oro :
  1. THE END! - Now that is a real ending!
  2. 1000th death!? - Really? Um… Congrats… I guess…
  3. THE END? - Not quite what you expected?
  4. Gotta catch ‘em all - You have a serious problem.
  5. Lasers… - …lasers everywhere.
  6. Wow! - That escalated quickly.
  7. It’s Quake! - We are DOOMed!

Trofei d'Argento :
  1. 100th death - It could’ve happened to anyone…
  2. I came in like a wrecking ball - Blow up all the things!
  3. Zap! - All this power is really overwhelming!
  4. TOXIC! - You have been warned.
  5. Greedy - You surely don’t need that much!
  6. Bob? Wade? - Who are this guys?
  7. Wow - It’s much bigger on the inside than outside.

Trofei di Bronzo :
  1. I must complete the mission - I can do this!
  2. It's all mine! - Mine mineminemine!
  3. I’ve got the power! - Keep calm and get the power.
  4. Oxygen - You just can’t live without it, can you?
  5. 10th death - You can do this!
  6. Mark? - Is that you playing my game?
  7. Treasures! - Arrr! Underwater chests with gold!
  8. 1st death - It only hurts the first time.