Curiosa App per PlayStation VR, che permette di entrare in ambienti virtuali rilassanti, avendo con sé il proprio smartphone. Ecco i Trofei:
Trofei d'Oro:
- Career Traveler - Watched 100 movies
Trofei d'Argento:
- Legendary Fisherman - First legendary fish caught
- Queen's Beekeeper - First "Queen Bee" captured
Trofei di Bronzo:
- Registered Traveler - Watched credits to the end
- Appointed Traveler - Registered a favorite
- Drifter Fisherman - First flotsam caught
- Master Fisherman - 20 types of fish caught
- Challenger Beekeeper - Played Challenge Mode
- Novice Beekeeper - Played Normal Mode
- First-time Traveler - Watched a movie