domenica 11 dicembre 2016

[Lista Trofei] Asdivine Hearts

Bel GDR in 2D, come quelli di una volta. Ma senza Platino:

Trofei d'Argento:
  1. An End and a New Beginning - Earn the ”An End and a New Beginning” ending.
  2. Love Story - Earn the ”Love Story” ending.
  3. Together Forever - Earn the ”Together Forever” ending.
  4. Deity in Love - Earn the ”Deity in Love” ending.
  5. A New Adventure - Earn the ”A New Adventure” ending.

Trofei di Bronzo:
  1. The Adventure Begins - Watch the opening.
  2. A Fluffy Deity? - Meet the self-proclaimed deity.
  3. All Together - Complete the party.
  4. Parallel World - Arrive at Reveria for the first time.
  5. The Balance of the World - Return to Asdivine again.
  6. Conveyed Feelings - Earn the ”Conveyed Feelings” ending.
  7. Closer than Before - Earn the ”Closer than Before” ending.
  8. Unchanging Warmth - Earn the ”Unchanging Warmth” ending.
  9. The Two Deities - Earn the ”The Two Deities” ending.
  10. Hearts Connected - Earn the ”Hearts Connected” ending.