giovedì 23 giugno 2016

[Lista Trofei] Drawful 2

Uscito nelle scorse ore, il party game ha portato con sé un elenco Trofei breve, e senza il tanto agognato Platino. Leggiamo tutto in dettaglio:


Trofei di Bronzo :
  • Fool House - Fool every other player with a title you write.
  • Word Spud 2 - Enter secret title in game.
  • Wait, Why Are We Rewarding This? - Choose a decoy answer.
  • Multiple Strokes - Enter a drawing with more than 50 lines.
  • Happy Birthday Two Hues. - Use both colors in a drawing. It’s easy!

Trofei d'Argento:
  • We Like to Watch - Play with 10 or more Audience Members.
  • Threestyle - Get a streak of 3.
  • The Student Becomes the Writer - Play a game with User Generated Content.
  • It’s Better to Be Liked - Get more than 50 likes in a game.

Trofei d'Oro:
  • Drawn Out - Play 50 games.