martedì 28 giugno 2016

[Lista Trofei] Cast of the Seven Godsends Redux

Un bel Platino! Vediamo tutta la lista, tanto è corta:


Trofei di Bronzo :
  • PUNISHING_PLAGUES - Get the plagues armor
  • WIND_DOMINUS - Get the wind armor
  • COLD_ICE - Get the ice armor
  • MOTHER_EARTH - Get the earth armor
  • SPARK - Get the lightning armor
  • BURNING_SOUL - Get the fire armor
  • ENDING_EARTH - Finish the game with the earth armor
  • ENDING_FIRE - Finish the game with the fire armor

Trofei d'Argento:
  • ADAPTATION - Use every weapon in a round
  • ROCK_BREAKER - Kill the second level boss
  • YOU_SHALL_NOT_PASS - Kill the third mid level boss
  • ICE_BREAKER - Kill the third level boss
  • DRAGON_KILLER - Kill the fourth level boss
  • TOWER_CRUSHER - Kill the fifth level boss
  • DONT_COME_BACK - Kill the mage once for all

Trofei d'Oro:
  • DEFEATED_NEMESIS - Kill Antirad once for all
  • FIRST_SON - Kill Lord Adomon
  • BEAST_TAMER - Kill the first level boss
  • SECOND SON - Kill Numanir the priest
  • DIVINE BLOOD - Get the black armor
  • DEMONIC_FURY - Reach level 7

Trofeo di Platino:
  • PLATINUM WARRIOR - Unlock all other trophies