Un action/RPG, che uscirà evidentemente a breve dopo un lungo periodo di sviluppo. Ecco la sua lista, non c'è il Platino:
Trofei di Bronzo :
- Getting better - Akara's trainning is paying off
- Killer - Akara is natural born killer
- Demon Slayer - Akara: a Demon Slayer
- Newborn Gladiator - Akara has joined the gladiator ring
- Best Gladiator Ever - Akara is the best Gladiator ever, defeating every possible opponent in the Gladiator ring
- Minotaur Bane - Killed three minotaur captains so far
- First Troll killed - First encounter with a Troll
- Ghost killer - Ghosts! Defeated!
- EyeDemons are horrible - EyeDemons are wicked and intelligen, still they were subdued
- Even Hibris ran from my blade - Even Hibris had to escape from Akara's fury
- A historian in Hell - First human in Hell
- Thugs dead: Like a boss - Sometimes humans are worst than demons
- Cook - Demoncrab stew is tasty
- Akara In Hell - Akara has reached hell along with her companions
- The truth about Lord Uruki - Lord Uruki is not a humble merchant
- Rings are cool - A Magical Ring!
- Many trasures in Wicked Road - Akara found many many chests on wicked road
- Setting an old score with Busiris - Busiris, last time you ran away after killing my friend, no this time I'm afraid
- Deimos: you are so dead - Deimos dead, finally.
- Potion Hoarder - 100 Potions!
- Best sword ever - Best sword in the world!