domenica 6 marzo 2016

[Lista Trofei] Kholat

15 Trofei per l'avventura horror di IMGN.PRO, già discretamente apprezzata su Steam. Sarà disponibile su PS4 tra pochi giorni, accompagnato dai seguenti Premi:

Trofei di Bronzo :
  • Dawn of the Bone God - You've collected a note in the throne area
  • Strange lights in the sky - You've collected a note in the radar station area
  • Suffering for no reason - You've collected a note in the cave area
  • …and there will be nothing - You've collected a note in the burned forest area
  • There is no hope - You've collected a note in the tree area
  • The most dangerous game - You've collected a note in the hunters cabin area
  • Sacrificed - You've collected a note in the altar area
  • Circle of life - You've collected a note in the circle area
  • In the name of the Father - You've collected a note in the church area
  • The Incident - You've reached the tent
  • Speleologist - You've explored the cave
  • Is it madness? - You've unlocked the incident in the bunker
  • Globetrotter - You've unlocked all safe spots

Trofei d'Argento :
  • The end of all things - You've unlocked the real ending

Trofei d'Oro :
  • Survivalist - You've survived!