Un interessante strategico/action game, che sarà messo a disposizione tra non molto qui in Occidente e per tutte le piattaforme PlayStation possibili... si, pure PS Vita. E pure PS3. Ecco la lista:
Trofei di Bronzo :
- Inflated Expectations - Destroyed an Echinops.
- Why'd it Have to be SPIDERS?! - Destroyed a Tantera.
- All Hands on Deck! - Put all operators on duty.
- Pele, Shmele! - Destroyed a Volcanon.
- Sheepishly Victorious - Destroyed a Bardola.
- It's All Grown Up! - Raised one of your cities to level 5.
- Great Expectations - Achieved commander level 10.
- Aren't WE Defensive?! - Constructed 100 units.
- GAH! That Infernal Racket! - Destroyed a Belilitta.
- Good Work, Soldier! - Rewarded an operator for the 101st time.
- Orders from Home - Completed your first request.
- You Have my Sword - Rewarded an operator for the 1st time.
- The First Step of Many... - Took your first brief tutorial.
- Greetings! - Arrived in Kimberley as CDC Commander.
- We need more POWER! - Made a strike during a power shortage.
- Mole! Mole! - Destroyed a Ramadillo.
Trofei d'Argento :
- Mad Scientist Millionaire - Invested 1,000,000G in R&D.
- Excellent member - Raised an operator to level 25.
- Maximum Protection - Completed 100 strike missions.
- Extinction Event - Destroyed an Altenian.
- Run Ragged - Completed 30 requests.
- Diamonds are Forever - Destroyed 1 rare enemy.
- I am Become Death - Destroyed 20 bosses.
- Vulgar Display of Power - Destroyed 50 enemies with USWs.
- Fully Recovered - Developed all quarantined land.
Trofei d'Oro :
- Universal Soldiers - Raised all operators to level 25.
- Reach for the Sky! - Built 20 skyscrapers in any city.
- The Doctor is OUT...Finally. - Developed every type of unit.
- Fully Armed and Operational! - Raised all cities to level 20.
- Altered States of Mind - Completed the game to the end.
- Capital Idea, Sir! - Been appointed to Washington, D.C.
Trofeo di Platino:
- Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault - Earned every trophy.