In queste ore gli utenti PS4 (in particolare) hanno dovuto aggiornare almeno un paio di videogame, per poterseli godere al meglio. I protagonisti ormai li avete già conosciuti, quindi andiamo a vedere come si sono modificati con le nuove patch:
L'aggiornamento di Driveclub serve per apportare modifiche sui punteggi del Drift Mode, per aggiungere nuovi livelli Elite, per aggiornare alcuni menu e per altro ancora. Ecco il log completo:
- New Drift Mode scoring: Fast and precise drifts now earn much bigger scores. Going off track, driving slowly or colliding with walls will result in a penalty to prevent exploits.
- All Drift Mode leaderboards will be reset in the days following the update to ensure they offer a level playing field.
- 25 new Elite Levels have been added (new cap is 60).
- 25 new Driver Levels have been added (new cap is 120) with new livery rewards to unlock along the way.
- 35 new Club Levels have been added (new cap is 120) with new livery rewards to unlock along the way.
- The game menus have been updated with new #PS4share imagery to showcase some of our most loved #PS4share photo mode snaps. Keep them coming!
- The loading screen for DriveClub now shows off an awesome new #PS4share community photo collage made up of thousands of your pictures.
- The loading screen for DriveClub Bikes also shows off an awesome new #PS4share community photo collage made up of thousands of your pictures.
- Includes general improvements for game performance, stability and usability.
La patch serve inoltre per preparare il gioco al prossimo importante DLC, che arriverà il 22 Marzo 2016.
Per quanto riguarda il gradevolissimo RPG Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, il File di Aggiornamento è servito per apportare alcune modifiche alle statistiche di alcuni Digimon e per correggere alcuni problemi audio riscontrati in certe situazioni. Ecco, in particolare, le modifiche alle statistiche (si ringrazia
•No. 246 ShineGreymon Burst Mode: Mega (Ultimate) - Digivolved from ShineGreymon.
Type: Vaccine. Attribute: Fire. Equip Slot: 2. Memory Use: 22.
Digivolution requirements: Lv. 60, HP 2,000, ATK 250, ABI 30, CAM 100%.
Special skill "Final Shining Burst": Physical attack, 200 Fire damage to all foes. Decreases ATK by 10%.
Support skill "Shining Burst": Increases Dark damage received by 25%, but also increases ATK by 25%.
Inherited skills: Attack Charge (20), Attack Break Field (35), Heavy Strike III (50), Acceleration Boost (65), Status Barrier (80).
Level 1 stats: HP 1,400, SP 70, ATK 165, DEF 60, INT 45, SPD 110.
Level 99 stats: HP 2,570, SP 158, ATK 292, DEF 148, INT 123, SPD 227.
•No. 247 MirageGaogamon Burst Mode: Mega (Ultimate) - Digivolved from MirageGaogamon.
Type: Data. Attribute: Light. Equip Slot: 2. Memory Use: 20.
Digivolution requirements: Lv. 60, ATK 200, SPD 200, ABI 30, CAM 100%.
Special skill "Full Moon Meteor Impact": Physical attack, 120 Light damage to one foe. 30% chance of stunning and tends to critical.
Support skill "Mirage Burst": Increases physical damage received by 25%, but also increases INT by 20%.
Inherited skills: Saint Knuckle III (20), Attack Break Field (35), Holy Light III (50), Final Aura (65), Shining Laser III (80).
Level 1 stats: HP 950, SP 75, ATK 120, DEF 60, INT 100, SPD 125.
Level 99 stats: HP 1,930, SP 173, ATK 237, DEF 148, INT 217, SPD 223.
•No. 249 Rosemon Burst Mode: Mega (Ultimate) - Digivolved from Rosemon.
Type: Data. Attribute: Plant. Equip Slot: 2. Memory Use: 20.
Digivolution requirements: Lv. 60, SP 170, INT 180, ABI 30, CAM 100%.
Special skill "Aguichant Levres": INT-penetrating Light attack on one foe and absorbs 50% of the damage as HP.
Support skill "Tifaret": Restores 5% of max HP every turn, and increases HP received from absorption effects by 20%.
Inherited skills: Final Heal (20), Mental Break Field (35), Revive (50), Safety Guard (65), Perfect Revival (80).
Level 1 stats: HP 950, SP 90, ATK 100, DEF 90, INT 110, SPD 90.
Level 99 stats: HP 2,020, SP 197, ATK 198, DEF 188, INT 208, SPD 197.
•No. 248 Ravemon Burst Mode: Mega (Ultimate) - Digivolved from Ravemon.
Type: Vaccine. Attribute: Wind. Equip Slot: 2. Memory Use: 20.
Digivolution requirements: Lv. 60, SP 160, SPD 250, ABI 30, CAM 100%.
Special skill "Mourning Dance": 8 physical attacks, 20 Dark damage to one foe. Damage tends to fluctuate.
Support skill "Crimson Formation": Increases damage from Electric and Wind skills by 10%.
Inherited skills: Texture Blow (20), Speed Break Field (35), Character Reversal (50), Status Barrier (65), Support End (80).
Level 1 stats: HP 600, SP 80, ATK 100, DEF 90, INT 95, SPD 150.
Level 99 stats: HP 1,480, SP 187, ATK 198, DEF 188, INT 193, SPD 277.
•No. 245 Valkyrimon: Mega (Ultimate) - Digivolved from Angewomon, Silphymon, MagnaAngemon.
Type: Free. Attribute: Wind. Equip Slot: 3. Memory Use: 18.
Digivolution requirements: Lv. 50, ATK 130, INT 130, SPD 160, ABI 20.
Special skill "Fenrir Sword": Physical attack, 130 Water damage to one foe. 15% chance of instantly killing target.
Support skill "Freyr": Increases damage from Wind and Light skills by 10%.
Inherited skills: Holy Light III (20), Final Heal (35), Speed Charge Field (50), Gale Storm III (65), Perfect Revival (80).
Level 1 stats: HP 750, SP 95, ATK 85, DEF 85, INT 90, SPD 110.
Level 99 stats: HP 1,920, SP 183, ATK 212, DEF 173, INT 168, SPD 227.
•No. 243 Darkdramon: Mega (Ultimate) - Digivolved from Gigadramon, BlueMeramon, WarGrowlmon.
Type: Virus. Attribute: Electric. Equip Slot: 3. Memory Use: 18.
Digivolution requirements: Lv. 50, ATK 150, DEF 140, ABI 20.
Special skill "Dark Roar": Physical attack, 130 Dark damage to one foe. 90% accuracy, tends to critical more often.
Support skill "D-Brigade": Increases ACU and CRT by 10%.
Inherited skills: Critical Charge (20), Acceleration Boost (35), Guard Break Field (50), Nanomachine Break III (65), Thunder Fall III (80).
Level 1 stats: HP 1,000, SP 55, ATK 125, DEF 90, INT 60, SPD 90.
Level 99 stats: HP 2,170, SP 133, ATK 252, DEF 207, INT 138, SPD 188.
•No. 244 Chaosmon: Ultra (Super Ultimate) - Digivolved from BanchoLeomon + Darkdramon (DNA Digivolution).
Type: Vaccine. Attribute: Neutral. Equip Slot: 2. Memory Use: 25.
Digivolution requirements: Lv. 60, ATK 255, ABI 40, CAM 100%, BanchoLeomon/Darkdramon CAM 100%.
Special skill 1 "Bantyo Blade": Physical attack, 150 Neutral damage to one foe. Damage tends to fluctuate.
Special skill 2 "Dark Prominence": INT-penetrating Dark attack to one foe. 50% chance of crystallizing target.
Support skill "Unstable Singularity": Increases damage given by 30%, but also increases damage received by 30%.
Inherited skills: Safety Guard (20), Destruction (35), Destruction Cannon III (50), Saint Knuckle III (65), Character Reversal (80).
Level 1 stats: HP 500, SP 85, ATK 255, DEF 50, INT 50, SPD 130.
Level 99 stats: HP 1,670, SP 173, ATK 382, DEF 138, INT 128, SPD 247.