martedì 16 febbraio 2016

The Escapists al 50 % sul PlayStation Store

C'è un nuovo piccolo flusso di sconti sul negozio digitale PlayStation, complessivamente non molto interessanti. C'è però un'offerta gustosa, e riguarda l'interessante The Escapists. Vediamo tutto in dettaglio, con la Tabella PSE:

ScontoGiocoPrezzo di Listino/ScontatoPrezzo PS PlusPiattaforma
-29%Batman: Arkham Knight€69.99 €49.99€49.99PS4
-27%Batman: Arkham Knight - Premium Edition€109.99 €79.99€79.99PS4
-38%Handball 16€39.99 €24.99€24.99PS3
-50%The Escapists€17.99 €17.99€8.99PS4
-20%The Escapists + The Escapists: The Walking Dead Collection€24.99 €24.99€19.99PS4
-20%The Escapists: The Walking Dead€17.99 €17.99€14.39PS4
-29%The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt€69.99 €49.99€49.99PS4

In aggiunta a questi ribassi di prezzo, più o meno interessanti, sono attualmente in vigore un mucchio di altre offerte. Eccone alcune, le più scontate, giusto per rinfrescare un po la memoria:

ScontoGiocoPrezzo di Listino/ScontatoPrezzo PS PlusPiattaforma
-75%Adventure Time: Il segreto del Regno Senzanome€39.99 €9.99€9.99PS3
-75%Alice: Madness Returns€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-80%Bejeweled 3€24.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-75%Bulletstorm€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-75%Burnout Crash!€9.99 €2.49€2.49PS3
-75%Burnout Paradise Complete Edition€29.99 €7.49€7.49PS3
-75%BURNOUT PARADISE PSN€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-75%Dante's Inferno€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-75%Dead Space Extraction€14.99 €3.74€3.74PS3
-71%EA SPORTS FIFA 14€69.99 €19.99€19.99PS3
-75%EA SPORTS MMA€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-71%EA SPORTS NBA LIVE 14€69.99 €19.99€19.99PS4
-78%F1 2013€59.99 €12.99€12.99PS3
-75%Falling Skies: The Game€39.99 €9.99€9.99PS3
-71%IL-2 STURMOVIK: BIRDS OF PREY€34.99 €9.99€9.99PS Vita, PSP
-75%Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning€29.99 €7.49€7.49PS3
-75%MEDAL OF HONOR WARFIGHTER€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-75%Mirror's Edge€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-74%Motorcycle Club€49.99 €12.99€12.99PS3
-75%NBA JAM: On Fire Edition€12.99 €3.24€3.24PS4, PS3
-90%NHL 13€69.99 €6.99€6.99PS3
-90%NHL 14 Gioco completo€69.99 €6.99€6.99PS3
-80%NHL 15 Gioco completo€49.99 €9.99€9.99PS4
-80%Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare€29.99 €5.99€5.99PS3
-80%Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare€39.99 €7.99€7.99PS4
-80%Shank€12.99 €2.59€2.59PS3
-75%SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-75%Skydive: Proximity Flight€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-75%SSX€19.99 €4.99€4.99PS3
-75%Superpacch. Dante's Inferno€29.99 €7.49€7.49PS3
-85%Superpacch. SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED€59.99 €8.99€8.99PS3
-75%Superpacchetto Dead Space 2€49.99 €12.49€12.49PS3
-75%Superpacchetto di Dead Space€29.99 €7.49€7.49PS3
-85%Superpacchetto NFS Hot Pursuit€59.99 €8.99€8.99PS3
-75%Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z€59.99 €14.99€14.99PS3