giovedì 25 febbraio 2016

File di Aggiornamento 1.13 per Rocket League

Continua a far parlare il bellissimo videogame Psyonix: le vendite sono andate (e vanno) benissimo, la critica e gli appassionati continuano ad elogiarlo, relativamente presto sarà disponibile anche in formato retail , arrivano i contenuti più disparati con una certa continuità... e si aggiorna.

L'ultima patch è uscita ormai diverse ore fa ed è piuttosto importante, in quanto riorganizza un po la struttura della Season 2 e apporta modifiche e correzioni varie. Vediamo tutto insieme:


    • Added 3 new Skill Tiers to Season 2 Competitive for a total of 15
    • Added Division Indicators to all Skill Tiers
    • “Stocked” trophy/achievement should unlock properly now.
    • Multiple bug fixes
    Complete list below…


    • New Skill Tiers have been added to create more differentiation for elite players, there are now a total of 15 Tiers (up from 12).
      • There are now three Champion ranks at the top Champion tier:  
        • Grand Champion (Tier 15)
        • Super Champion (Tier 14)
        • Champion (Tier 13)
      • The Star tier has changed slightly to accommodate the new Champion tier:
        • Tier 12 is now called “Superstar” (was Champion)
        • Tier 11 is now called “All-Star” (was Superstar)
        • Tier 10 is now called “Shooting Star” (was All-Star)
    • Added Divisions to Competitive Skill Tiers to give players a better indication of where they fall in any given Skill Tier.
      • There are five divisions in each Skill Tier – with each representing roughly 20% of the skill range in that
        • Division V (highest),
        • Division IV
        • Division III
        • Division II
        • Division I (lowest)
      • For example: An All-Star player that is roughly halfway to the next Skill Tier would appear as “All-Star, Division III”
    • Players in the Top Tier (now “Grand Champion”) will see a numerical Skill Rating in place of a divisional indicator.
    • Players still Unranked in Competitive can now see how many Placement Matches they have remaining in each playlist
    • Snow Day is back on the Online Playlists in all versions of the game (Xbox One included)
    • Forfeit Votes can no longer be triggered before a match begins
    • “Stocked” Trophy/Achievement requirements have changed from unlocking 200 items to 150 items; and it should now unlock properly
    • Fixed an issue with random map selection that was causing Mannfield and Beckwith Park weather variants to be chosen too rarely. This will result in map rotation being more evenly distributed.
    • Fixed an issue that caused CPU utilization on some PCs to increase unnecessarily