Un bel Platino per il GDR PS Vita di prossima uscita. Vediamo la lista completa:
Trofei di Bronzo :
- Unknown Enemy? - Came in contact with a mysterious new Gigant.
- I've Seen This Dragon Before... - You defeated the Gigant, Huanglong.
- Power Reborn - You let go the power you gained.
- Equipment Fortification - You gained a stronger version of the same equipment.
- Dimensional Travel - Entered the other dimension for the first time.
- Hot Springs Vacation - Went on a hot springs vacation with everyone.
- Fashion Leader - You gained a lot of accessories.
- The Gourmet - You gained various amounts of foods.
- Gluttony - You can't eat any more...
- Weight Loss Master - You fought until your stomach growled.
- Adaptable and Opportunistic - More commands set for diversity in battle!
- Taking Down Asura - You defeated the Gigant, Asura.
- Over Kill - Over kill your enemy with SBM.
- Holy Rock - Your first entry to Holy Rock.
- Enter the Megalosite - You entered the Megalosite for the first time.
- One Accepted by Gods - Gained power recognized by the Yorigami.
- Cleaner in Action - You destroyed all the enemies in a sector.
- Transfer Student - Ichiya Amakaze transferred to the Academy.
- Nothing to It - That was quick... The enemies were no match to you.
- Going out for a Drink - Relaxed with Conner at the pub.
- Rampaging God - Your first experience of Parasitism.
- Southern Island - Arrival into an island that isn't much of an "island."
- Awakening - Your first access to the power of the Yorigami.
- Fox Hunt - You defeated the Gigant, Nine-Tails.
Trofei d'Argento :
- Pinnacle of the Hawk - Kyle Griffin learned all his commands.
- One Who Walks with Gods - Gained power fit to command the powers of the Yorigami.
- Aegis Shield - You gained a very powerful shield.
- Pinnacle of the Mermaid - Nil Phineus learned all her commands.
- Pinnacle of the Wolf - Ichiya Amakaze learned all his commands.
- Ghost Hunting - You defeated the Gigant, Brahms.
- Ultimate Weapon - You gained a very powerful weapon.
- The Tescalia - You defeated the Gigant, Tescalia.
- The Moon Goddess - Arrival onto the aerial mothership, Artemis.
- Not What I Expected... - You defeated the Gigant, Lilith.
- Beat the Dragon - You defeated the Gigant, Pendragon.
- Not Really a Serpent - You defeated the Gigant, Uroboros.
- Taming the Beast - You defeated the Gigant, Loki.
- Being One with God - You're getting a bit too used to using Parasitism...
Trofei d'Oro :
- Enter the Gigant Shrine - Your first entry into the Gigant Shrine.
- Ray Gigant - You defeated Ray Gigant!
- Full Slash - You mastered the art of timing through SBM.
Trofeo di Platino:
- Complete! - Thanks for playing through to the end! Until we meet again!