Il remake di un videogame in origine uscito addirittura nel 1991. Sta evidentemente per arrivare anche su PS4, lo farà con questa lista Trofei:
Trofei di Bronzo :
- Baby steps - Walk 1000 steps
- Exterminator - Kill a survivor
- Sort of Finished - Finished the game
- Speed Runner - Finished the game in under par time
- Sign Here Please - Delivered the package to Derrida!
- Close Call - Escaped just as the tower was being destroyed!
- Bombs Away! - The tower came down on top of you!
- 2nd Place - The DGen stole your jetpack!
- Biological Warfare - The DGen killed you and then escaped!
- Joining Genoq. - Swallowed by an A-Gen
- Pancake! - Crushed by a B-Gen
- Toxic Waste - Touched by a C-Gen
- Not So Lucky - Murdered by the D-Gen
- Explosion Magnet - Shot by a worm!
- Ooo Tingly - Electrocuted 10 times
- Ex-Courier - Killed once on your delivery
- Pest Problem - Killed an A-Gen
- Out of the frying pan - Killed a B-Gen
- What was that?! - Killed a C-Gen
- Piece of Cake! - Killed the D-Gen!
- Fire in the hole! - Throw 10 grenades
- Well that was smart - Killed by your own bomb
- Ex-Pacifist - Used your gun for the first time!
- Ice Cold - Used your freeze ray for the first time!
- You Shall Not Pass! - Activated your shield for the first time!
- Making Friends - Saved one person. It's something I guess?
- Demolition Man - Destroyed everything on a single floor
- Lazy-mans Lockpick - Picked up one security key!
- To boldly go where no man has gone before - Entered Virutal Reality!
Trofei d'Argento :
- Troubling Toddler - Walk 5000 steps
- Loose Cannon - Kill 10 survivors
- Are you enjoying this? - Electrocuted 100 times
- Are you even trying anymore - Killed 100 times on your delivery
- Carer - Saved an entire floor!
- Breaking Toys - Destroyed everything within the tower
- Kleptomaniac - Collected all the items!
Trofei d'Oro :
- I will walk 500 miles - Walk 100,000 steps
- Last Man Standing - Kill all survivors
- Hero - Finished the game after saving everyone and clearing all rooms
- No Man Left Behind - Saved EVERYBODY!
Trofeo di Platino:
- Master Courier - Achieved all trophies