Un bel set di 45 Trofei per questo curioso gioco, un "action roguelike game" che vede dei mutanti tentare di sopravvivere in un mondo post-apocalittico. Ma vediamo di preciso l'elenco dei Trofei :
Trofei di Bronzo :
Trofei d'Argento :
Trofei d'Oro :
Trofei di Platino :
- 6e 69 63 65 - Eat a Hyper Weapon as Robot.
- Good Riddance - Unlock a Golden Disc Gun or Golden Nuke Launcher.
- Not Bad - Reach 7-3 on a Daily
- Unstoppable - Reach Level Ultra as Skeleton
- Good Find - Unlock a Golden Weapon as any character.
- Impossible - Sit on the Nuclear Throne as headless Chicken.
- Sincere Apologies - We hereby sincerely apologize.
- Science - Defeat the Technomancer as Steroids
- Verified - Unlock a Golden Weapon for every character.
- Blood Blood Blood - Reach the Nuclear Throne in under 10 minutes as Plant.
- Horror Unlocked - Defeat Horror.
- MMMMMMHMMM! - Reach 2-? as Eyes.
- Crown Life - Unlock a Crown as any character.
- Everything Hurts - Reach the Nuclear Throne with Melting without choosing Rhino Skin or Strong Spirit.
- Melting Unlocked - Die.
- Crystal Can Roll - Reach 4-? as Crystal.
- Thriller - Defeat Hyper Crystal as Horror.
- Fish Can Roll - Loop as every character.
- Forget The Old Days - Defeat Mom as Rebel.
- Rogue Unlocked - Reach the Nuclear Throne.
- Way Of The Chicken - Reach 2-1 on Hard Mode as Chicken.
- Rebel Unlocked - Loop past the Nuclear Throne.
- Frog Zone - Play as Frog.
- Y.V. Unlocked - Reach 3-?.
- Chicken Unlocked - Reach 5-?
- Plant Unlocked - Reach 3-1.
- Robot Unlocked - Reach 5-1.
- Eyes Unlocked - Reach 2-1.
- Steroids Unlocked - Reach 6-1.
- Never Look Back - Defeat Captain as Rogue.
- Ultra Time - Reach Level Ultra as any character.
Trofei d'Argento :
- Go Hard - Unlock Hard Mode.
- Techno Killer - Defeat the Technomancer.
- Crystal Smasher - Defeat Hyper Crystal.
- Frog Slayer - Defeat Mom.
- Advanced Sitter - Defeat Throne II.
- Throne Sitter - Defeat the Nuclear Throne.
- Hunter Killer - Defeat Lil Hunter.
- Dog Owner - Defeat Big Dog.
- Bandit Stopper - Defeat Big Bandit.
- Vault Raider - Unlock all Crowns as one character.
Trofei d'Oro :
- The Struggle Is Over - Defeat Captain.
- The Struggle Continues - Loop the game.
- Ultra Mutant - Get 100% of the unlocks.
Trofei di Platino :
- It's Not Fair, It's Not Right - Completed Every Challenge We Could Think Of In Nuclear Throne.