Quasi contemporaneamente, si sono aggiornati in modo piuttosto serio due videogame che ci piace definire da... "Doppia A". Sono due giochi si importanti, ma forse non pubblicizzati e diffusi in modo tale da definirli vere e proprie Killer Application. Si parla dell'esclusiva PS4 Until Dawn e del MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online, vediamo cosa hanno da offrire i nuovi update :
The Elder Scrolls Online - Versione 1.08
La patch ha un log molto corposo, e pesa circa 500 MB. Le modifiche apportate sono molte, e molti sono anche i fix. Leggete tutto di seguito :
Imperial City Fixes and ImprovementsCombat & GameplayWorld
- Werewolf – Fixed an issue where you could become stuck in the Werewolf Transformation animation when entering a Sanctuary location.
Dungeons & Group ContentDungeons
- Imperial City Prison (Normal & Veteran): Fixed an issue where you occasionally could not attack the Lord-Warden’s Shades; Fixed an issue where the Lord-Warden’s Shadow Orb ability could unintentionally be interrupted.
- White-Told Tower (Normal & Veteran): The Engulfing Flames ability cast by the Dragonguard mini-boss will now hit anyone standing inside the fiery cone. Any player character standing outside the flames will not be impacted.
Veteran Dungeons
- Veteran Imperial City Prison: Reduced the damage monsters do throughout the dungeon; The visual effects for the Templar Shade’s Grand Healing ability now appear correctly.
- Veteran White-Gold Tower: Reduced the damage monsters do throughout the dungeon.
Exploration & ItemizationAchievements
- Horror of Horrors: Fixed an issue where you could complete this achievement sooner than intended.
- Updated the text for the following achievements to reference “gain” rather than “kill”. This means that Tel Var Stones found from containers also officially count as possible ways to get these achievements (they always did, but the text did not reflect this): Windfall Profits, Sudden Spoils, Big Score Achievement
- Fixed an issue that was preventing some Imperial City Prison achievements from granting experience.
- Fixed an issue where the Sabatons of the Imperium could drop with the Befouled Weapon enchantment, and were labeled as being part of the Arch-Mage set. They now drop with the Health enchantment, like the rest of the items in its set, and are correctly labeled as Brands of Imperium.
Item Sets
- Phoenix: Fixed an issue where you could get stuck in a loop triggering this item set’s ability. We also fixed an issue where this item set could trigger multiple times without going on cooldown.
Imperial CityGeneral
- Secundinus the Despoiler will no longer freeze in place after casting Coldfire Reach.
Tel Var Stones
- Fixed an issue where withdrawing 100,000 or more Tel Var Stones would not properly update the banked funds tooltip.
- Queueing for “All” will no longer attempt to place you into groups formed for DLC you do not have access to.
Base Game Fixes and ImprovementsCombat & GameplayGeneral
- Fixed an issue that was causing beam visual effects to not appear.
- Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, an active buff could be mysteriously removed.
- You can now use the group finder to queue for Imperial City and Craglorn at Veteran Rank 16.
- Fixed an issue where trophies in Imperial City would occasionally not stack with each other.
- Fixed an issue where you could not jump to your full height while crouched.
Nightblade – Shadow
- Shadow Cloak: Fixed an issue where you were not being hit by some area of effect abilities while Shadow Cloak was active. The following abilities will now correctly damage a Shadow Cloaked target: Dark Talons, Inhale, Ash Cloud, Volley, Arrow Spray, Magicka Detonation, Caltrops
- Known Issue: There are still some abilities that will pull a Shadow Cloaked target from stealth, but fail to damage them. This will be fixed in a future patch.
World – Werewolf
- Fixed an issue where you could become stuck in the Werewolf Transformation animation if silenced while transforming.
Guild – Fighters Guild
- Beast Trap: Fixed an issue where the trap could trigger multiple times.
Alliance War – Assault
- Rapid Maneuver: Fixed an issue which prevented Rank 1 of this ability from affecting movement speed while you were on your mount.
Monster Abilities – Titan
- Fire Blast now generates a path of flame directly in front of where it was cast, not where the Titan happens to be facing.
Crown StoreGeneral
- Fixed an issue where Crown Store consumable items incorrectly stated they would cease scaling at a certain level.
Dungeons & Group ContentDungeons – Darkshade Caverns
- Fixed an issue where you would not receive credit for completing the Sentinel of Rkugamz for the Darkshade Caverns Undaunted Pledge.
Veteran Dungeons
- Veteran Banished Cells: Fixed an issue that was causing the fire effects during the Maw of the Infernal encounter to not display correctly.
- Veteran Fungal Grotto: Fixed an issue where you occasionally were unable to target Gamyne Bandu after she jumped off her rock.
Exploration & ItemizationGeneral
- Fixed an issue where you were unable to use additional potions while an ability was being cast.
- Potions that you purchase will now have a slight cooldown if they are acquired right after using another type of potion.
Item Sets
- Twice Born Star: Fixed an issue where the Steed and the Serpent Mundus Stone buffs could be replaced with other buffs while wearing this item set.
Quests & ZonesColdharbour
- What the Heart Wants: We had a chat with Stibbons about his stubbornness, and he will no longer leave or refuse to move on the quest step to defend him.
- The only Dwemer spiders remaining in Bthanual are now made solely with spare and second-hand parts, and will no longer drop useful spoils.
- Goblins in Eastmarch now animate properly instead of blinking into and out of reality.
- Attribute bars will now disappear while a long term food effect is active.
- Fixed an issue where your health bar would constantly flash if you had a food buff active, and resurrected after a PvP death.
- You will now receive a prompt directing you to the Crown Store when attempting to travel to a friend in an area that’s included in a DLC game pack that you do not own.
- Fixed an issue where you would not receive the prompt that your inventory was full when looting.
- Purchase details are now included on the message prompt that appears when you’re invited by a guild or party member to the Imperial City if you do not own the DLC game pack or an ESO Plus membership.
- You can now no longer open the menu to invite another player character to your location while on a load screen after using a wayshrine. Doing so previously would render the menu nonfunctional, forcing you to relog.
- Fixed an issue where the keybind for your Ultimate would disappear at log in if it was not ready to be used.
- The names of group members who are not within your same zone will now appear dimmed in the Group HUD.
- Fixed an issue where the text for the achievement item “Undaunted Enclave Invitation” appeared cut off in the menu.
- Fixed an issue where POI icons would occasionally flash on the compass after exiting a delve.
Guild Bank & Traders
- Fixed an issue where items in the Guild Bank would fail to load properly.
- Fixed an issue where item prices were not appearing while browsing Guild Stores and Guild Traders.
- Removed a blank section that appeared at the bottom of the Leaderboards list.
- Fixed an issue where the “Switch Elevations” keybinds were hidden on the map menu in certain locations.
Until Dawn - Versione 1.03
Davvero molto particolare è invece il nuovo File di aggiornamento dell'esclusiva PS4. E' davvero pesantissimo (oltre 10 GB) e sicuramente sistema un mucchio di cose, anche se il log ufficiale è curiosamente molto striminzito.Leggetelo di seguito, il post sarà eventualmente aggiornato con un log più completo, qualora riusciamo a reperirlo online :
- Fixes to prevent progression blocker in Ep9
- Option for inverted Y Axis
- Fixed Trophies
- Stability and bug fixes
Se avete cose da dire, usate pure gli strumenti presenti su questo sito. Alle prossime occasioni !