giovedì 26 marzo 2015

File di aggiornamento 1.06 per LittleBigPlanet 3

Nuova importante patch per l'esclusiva PlayStation, uscita su PS3 e PS4. Scopriamo dettagliatamente cosa include questo nuovo update, che pesa 616 MB su PS4 e 162 MB su PS3 :



New Sorting and Filter options have been added to LittleBigPlanet 3's Text Search.
Added support for improved Community Categories functionality.
The first of our Community Category changes are due to roll-out server-side on March 26th, so will not be visible to you until then.
Sackboy, OddSock, Toggle and Swoop will now appear to be wet after swimming in Water on PlayStation 4 during 1 or 2 player game sessions.

Multiplayer Connections

Fixed a number of instances of the “A player failed to load your profile” and “Failed to load player profile” errors occurring during online and local multiplayer connection attempts.
When selecting to play a level that has other players playing it and provided your Online Play setting for “When I Play A Level That Has Others Playing It” is set to “Ask Each Time”, you will be more consistently receive a message asking if you would like to join other players within the level.
Fixed an instance where the player would fail to load into a newly assigned host’s pod during an online session.
Fixed an instance where the game would crash or fail to connect to other players when attempting to enter the Ziggurat Grand Hall with four players.
Pausing the game in a level as a guest player will now correctly display the level’s name and its creator’s name.

General Fixes

Players save progress will now save correctly between game sessions.
Magic Mouths will now correctly play the captured audio.
The LittleBigPlanet 3 news feed will now correctly display news to all players.
Some missing Sound Effects will now be available for use within the Sound Object.
Boost Boots can no longer be used repeatedly before landing on the ground or within a Boost Boots Replenisher by un-equipping them and re-equipping them.
Player’s faces on reviews will now update correctly to match the player’s current outfit.
Your Friends List will now correctly display your friends when opening it for the first time.
Deleting your small profile save will now correctly delete all of your collected Prize Bubbles.
The Clive Handforth costume will no longer blend with the Default Sackboy costume, if the Hook Hat is equipped and unequipped.
Fixed an issue that could prevent players from publishing an Adventure, when they still have at least one spare publishing slot available.
LittleBigPlanet 2 Profile Back-ups will no longer appear during the LittleBigPlanet 3 Profile Back-up Import process.
Note: If you wish to import your LittleBigPlanet 2 progress, you can do so under Settings > My Unlocks > Unlock LittleBigPlanet 2 Content.
Individual Costumes can now be searched for on the Store.

The Pod

New players entering the Pod, playing an Adventure or Popit Puzzle and then returning to the Pod will no cause the Pod to remain on an incorrect background.
Creating a brand new profile and then rebooting the game will no longer cause the player to enter the Pod with a missing background.
The Pod Computer will no longer disappear when navigating the Adventure, Popit Puzzles and Community menus whilst other players are in the Pod.
Fixed a gameplay freeze issue that may occur when disconnecting from a network whilst returning to a heavily decorated Pod.

Decorate Earth/Moon

The Darkness, Fogginess and Fog Colour settings under Global Controls will now save correctly.
LittleBigPlanet 3 Backgrounds for your Pod/Moon are now awarded correctly.
Note: If you have already collected these Create Mode Backgrounds in-game, you will need to re-collect to add the Pod/Earth/Moon equivalents to your Popit.

Community UI

If the player ends up on a screen containing only Locked Levels, they will now be able to return to the previous screen.
Fixed a hanging issue that may occur in the Tutorials area of the game.
Level Trailers will no longer appear to be playable on PlayStation 3 since recording and viewing Level Trailers is a PlayStation 4 exclusive SHARE feature.

Trophies and Pins

The Team Picked Pin will now be correctly awarded to creator’s that have a level featured in the Team Picks.
Joining a Team Picked creator will no longer award you the Team Picked Pin.
Note: Players that have incorrectly received this Pin due to this issue will have the Pin removed from their profile.

Game Stability

General Stability

Paint Tool: Fixed a crash issue that could occur when saving and exiting from a Move Painting.
Fixed an infinite loading screen issue that could occur when selecting the Adventure when the player has no free hard drive space or any previously existing profile save data.
Fixed a crash issue that could occur when wearing the Clive Handforth or Eve Silva Paragorica Costumes during cutscenes.
Fixed a crash issue that could occur when rapidly spamming stickers in the Pod.
Fixed a crash issue that could occur when placing lots of stickers in an online multiplayer session contain 3 or more players.

Adventure – Prologue - Introduction

Fixes a crash issue that could occur for Client Players when the Host Player disconnects whilst entering the level.

Adventure – Prologue – Stitchem Manor

Fixed an issue that could cause players to lose the Pumpinator in this level during an online game.

Adventure – Manglewood

Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from correctly entering the “Shake, Rattle and Roll” level from the Manglewood Hub after connecting a second controller.

Adventure – Manglewood – Shake, Rattle and Roll.

Fixed an infinite loading issue that could occur when completing Shake, Rattle and Roll for the first time with four players in an online game.

Adventure – Manglewood – The Wheel Deal

Guest Players will no longer get stuck in The Wheel Deal level, if the Host Player dies.

Adventure – Manglewood – Out Walking the Dog

Fixed a hanging issue that may occur when a second local player attempts to join this level after the cutscene has begun.

Adventure – Bunkum Lagoon

Levels will no longer display duplicates of the same item under Collectables section of the level’s details page.

Community – Adventures

Fixed an issue that could cause players to access a broken Adventure Map when entering a 

Community Adventure.

Gameplay Fixes


Players can no longer collect Collectabells from another host’s Adventure game, allowing them to increase their own Collectabell count for their own Adventure.

Adventure – The Ziggurat – Here, There and Everywhere

Fixed the section after the first climbing section that could see one of the players fall out of the level. The result of which would prevent progress, even if using the Hold to Retry! option within the Popit.

Adventure - Bunkum Lagoon – Belly of the Beast

Fixed a progression issue that could occur when the player dies during the rising water section.

Adventure – Bunkum Lagoon – Cloud Caravan

Fixed an area of Cloud Caravan close to the first plunger, where the player could escape the level.

Adventure – Bunkum Lagoon – Even Bosses Wear Hats Sometimes

Fixed an issue that could cause Swoop to spawn in the Sackboy section of this level.

Popit Puzzles – Popit Academy Term 1 – Popit Cursor

All players in a multiplayer game will have the correct Popit items available in their Popit whilst playing this level.
Popit Puzzles – Popit Academy Term 1 – Danger Tweaker
Fixed an area of the Danger Tweaker level, where the player could escape the level.

Create Mode

My Moon

Locking an Adventure on your Moon will no longer cause it to be un-selectable on your Moon.
Users will no longer be met with an error message when attempting to enter a level that has Dynamic Thermometer enabled.
Fixed a title freeze issue that may occur when attempting to quickly place a level patch after entering an Adventure Map.

Create Mode

Custom-made Sackpocket items will now correctly display the quantity remaining in the player’s Sackpocket, if the creator tweaks it to do so in the Sackpocket Tweaker.
Players will no longer gain points in a community-created Versus Mode level by killing themselves with the Creatinator.
The game will no longer hang when placing a Character Animation Tweaker on a Sequencer that is placed on a Sackbot.
The Touch Pad functionality will now work more consistently within the Popit.
Fixed a crash issue that may occur when changing a Bendy Rail to the Rain Material.
Fixed a crash issue that may occur when rapidly Rewinding and Fast Forwarding with an active Preloader Chip in the level.
Fixed a crash issue that may occur when collecting a Collectabell that was spawned by the Popit Power-up in Play Mode.

DLC Fixes

Metal Gear Solid Pack

Players will now be able to collect all of the Prize Bubbles in “METAL GEAR SOLID Act 1: Introduction” using the correct Sticker on the required Sticker Switches.

DC Comics Premium Level Kit

Using the Wall Jump Material will no longer cause the lights in a level to turn off.
Batman will now correctly wear the Hero Cape whilst giving the Tutorial on how to use it.
(Batman is so awesome that he thought he could glide without a cape but we thought it best he wear one for the purposes of this tutorial for your Sackboy or Sackgirl.)
Fixed a number of issues that could occur when attempting to respawn in the Zone Control Versus Level.